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Types of Computer

There are different types of computer depending on its working capacity, purpose and size. Computers can be classified on the following 3 grounds:
• Application

A computer is an electronic machine in which the user inputs data and receives results by processing that data. The computer carries out the instructions of the user and has an amazing ability to store data, process data. Computers are used for a variety of tasks such as browsing the web, creating documents, emails, playing games, etc. It is used more in big scientific works such as in space, defense research, health sector.
Apart from this, computers are also used in many works and business, about which we will explain in detail below.
Types of computers on the basis of mechanism
In our article Types of Computer, first of all know the types of computers on the basis of mechanism. Friends, computers can be classified into three classes on the basis of applications:
• Analog Computer
• Digital Computer
• Hybrid Computer
  1. Analog Computer
. Analog is a Greek word and it means to find similarity between any two quantities. These computers are used to make a format of physical action and give instructions to continue that work continuously, that is, these computers take Analog Data or Signals as Input and process Analog and Output also in Analog. Show only. These computers do not give completely accurate results, but up to 99 percent accurate results can be obtained from them.
  •  Analog computers are used to measure physical quantities such as: pressure, temperature, length, height, etc.
  •  This computer measures and expresses its result in numbers.
  •  These computers also make comparisons between two measurements.
  •  Such computers are used in science and engineering fields.
  •  These computers give output in the form of graphs.
  • Such computers have low memory capacity and their speed is also low.
  • These computers cannot process Alpha Numeric.
  • These computers require RF technology.
  • These computers take analog data or signals as input, and process analog, output also show in analog.
  • Analog computers are used to measure physical quantities, such as pressure, Temperature, Length, Height etc.
  • This computer measures and expresses their results in numbers.
  •  This computer can also compare between two parameters.
  •  It is used in science and engineering fields.
  •  It gives output in the form of graph.
  •  It has less memory capacity and less speed.
  •  It cannot process Alpha numeric.
  •  It requires RF technology.
Analog Computer examples of
  • Deltar
  • E6B flight computer
  • Librascope, aircraft weight and balance computer
  • Mechanical computer
  • Water integrator
2. Digital Computer
  • This computer is based on electronic clock or calculator digital method. All these numbers are based on 8 digits because 8 is the only number in which different numbers can be shown by showing different parts. Digital computer performs all calculations based on arithmetic and converts any data into binary form and performs all types of calculations on the basis of binary sum.
  •  Digit means digit, digital computer calculates the digit.
  •  Represent Digital Computers, Letters, Numerical or Special Symbols.
  •  It takes Computers Data and Program by converting them into 0, 1 in the form of Electronic.
  •  They are mostly used to perform arithmetic operations like addition, subtraction, multiplication etc.
  •  Most of the computers used in today's time are Digital Computers.
  •  Examples of these computers are Accounting Machine and Calculator.
  •  Compared to Analog Computer, it has more accurate results, memory and faster speed.
  •  These computers give Output on the basis of Text, Graphics and Picture.
  •  Digital computer calculates digits. Digit means number.
  • • These computers represent letters, numerical or special symbols.
  • • It takes computer's data and program as electronic by converting them into 0,1.
  • • Mostly they are used to perform Arithmetic operations like addition, subtraction, multiplication etc.
  • • The computers which are mostly used at present are all digital computers.
  • • Examples of these are – Accounting machine and calculator
  • • Compared to Analog Computer, it has more accurate results, memory and faster speed.
  • • These computers give output on the basis of text, graphics and picture.
Digital Computer Example of
  • IBM PC
  • Apple Macintosh smartphones
  • Laptops
  • Calculator
3. Hybrid Computer
  • The meaning of hybrid is to be hybrid, that is, to have many qualities, then Hybrid Computer is also made by combining the best qualities of both Analog Computer and Digital Computer. In an analog computer, instructions are received in an instant to control a system.
  • Hybrid Computer Special devices are used to convert these commands into digital commands. Internet modem is one of such devices. It works to convert analog signals to digital signals and digital signals to analog signals. Hope you are liking our article Types of Computer.
  • • Hybrid computer is made by combining the features of both Analog and Digital Computer.
  • • This computer has the Speed ​​of Analog Computer and the Accuracy and Memory of Digital Computer.
  • • This computer is used at the petrol pump which measures the fuel flow and shows its quantity and price.
  • • This computer also understands Analog Signal with Binary Number (0, 1).
  • • Hybrid computer is made by combining the characteristics of both analog and digital computers.
  • • Which is the speed of analog and the accuracy and memory of digital computer.
  • • It is used on petrol pump which measures fuel flow and displays its quantity and price.
  • • This computer also understands analog signal with binary number (0,1).
Hybrid Computer Example of
  • First Hybrid Computer – Hycomp 250
  • HYDAC 2400
  • Starglow Hybrid Computer
  • HP Envy Hybrid Computer
Types of computers on the basis of purpose
In the article Types of Computer, now let's talk about how many types of computers are there on the basis of purposes? Different types of computers are used for different purposes. Computers are divided by giving them names according to the purpose:
General Purpose Computer
These computers are used to perform general tasks like letter writing and database related work etc. A computer on which all these tasks are possible is called a general purpose computer. This type of computer is most commonly used. These computers are also used in shops, offices, schools and for personal work. An example of this is the I.B.M. PC is.
Special Purpose Computer
Computers that are designed to perform one type of work are called special purpose computers. This type of computer has more memory and the ability to work faster. Special purpose computers work more efficiently. These computers are more expensive than other computers, they are used in the fields of meteorology, agricultural science, war and space etc.
Machine Inbuilt Purpose Computer
When the machines have to be controlled through the computer, then the output of that computer is taken out in the form of Electric Signals and connected to the machines through a switch. Such computers are called mechanical purpose computers. For example, these computers are used to control machines for operation in hospitals, to control test equipment, to connect automatic lines in telephone centers, etc. Computerized eye test is the best example of such a machine.
Users Friendly Computers
Such computers which can be easily used by any ordinary person or say such computers which can be operated even by a person who does not know computers, are called collaborative computers. These computers are made in a special way so that these computers themselves give operating instructions and other information to the operator which is displayed on the monitor screen of the computer. These computers are used in schools for teaching children or for entertainment on computer.
High Intelligent Machine
These computers are used to solve complex problems and operate heavy machines. A highly intelligent machine is a computer with high intelligence, with the help of which robots, rockets, launchers, etc. are operated.
Knowledge Information Processing System
This type of computer was invented by Japan and its name was KIPS. Programs have already been put in this computer to work in all the possibilities of the world, which we can also call Computer's Artificial Intelligence. This computer is not yet in the market but may be available soon. If you think that the correct information has been given so far in our article Types of Computer, then please do comment below.
Types of computers on the basis of work and size
There are 4 types of computers on the basis of technology:
• microcomputer
• Mini Computer
• Mainframe computers and
• super computer
Micro Computer
Technically, this computer is the computer with the least working capacity, but this computer is used for all tasks. These microcomputers were developed in the year 1970, these computers are Single User System. Micro Processor has been used in the CPU of these computers, hence these computers are called Single User Micro Computer.
These computers are light in weight and cheap. Mostly these computers are used in homes and in small business. At present, the development of these computers is happening very fast. These computers are also called personal computers or PCs. These computers are smaller than Micro Computers, Mainframe Computers.
Its CPU consists of a RAM, ROM, Input/ Output Ports, Interconnecting Wires and Motherboard. The biggest feature of microcomputers is that these computers are also being made in the size of a book, phone and watch. Microcomputers are used in homes, schools, offices etc.
PC is also called Personal Computer because this computer was introduced by IBM so it is also called IBM Compatible Personal Computer.
Micro Computer Example of
  • Desktop computer
  • Laptop computer
  • Palmtop Computer
  • Notebook Computer
  • Tablet Computer
 Workstation Computer
Workstation computers are used for engineering applications (CAD, CAM), desktop publishing, software development and other such applications. Usually these computers come with a large high resolution graphic screen, large amount of RAM, inbuilt network support and a graphical user interface. These computers are expensive. Their working capacity is more than Micro Computer and they are bigger in size.
Workstation Computer Example of
  • Unix-based Sun
  • Compaq
  • SGI Workstation
These computers are used for the work of server computers in big companies and government offices. Their working capacity is very high and many users can login on this computer simultaneously.
These computers are not used in homes because their working capacity is much higher than other computers because their hardware is much bigger than normal computers and they are very expensive.
These computers are used to save the database and to do other important work of the company.
Mini Computer
The size of mini computers is almost same as that of micro computers but its working capacity is more than mini computers. These computers are used for keeping accounts in banks, factories and insurance companies. More than one person can work on this computer at a time.
Memory, speed and functionality of mini computers are more than micro computers and less than main frame computers. This computer has more than one C.P.U. There The first mini computer was done in the year 1965 as PDP-8. The size of this computer was equal to a fridge and its price was 18000 dollars.
It was made by a company named DEC. The full form of DEC was Digital Equipment Corporation. Mini computers are used for maintaining financial accounts, for sales-analysis, for cost-analysis etc.
Mini Computer Example of
  • DEC PDP and VAX series
  • Control Data’s CDC 160A and CDC 1700
  • Data General Nova
  • Honeywell-Bull DPS 6/DPS 6000 series
  • IBM Mid Range Computers
Mainframe Computer
These computers are very powerful. The storage range and speed of these computers are much higher than microcomputers and minicomputers, so that the work done by all the terminals can be stored smoothly. The storage capacity of these computers can be increased or decreased as per the requirement.
They are used for networking. That is, many terminals are attached to these computers and these terminals can be placed anywhere and if the terminals are kept near the main computer, such as in the same building, then this type of networking is called Local Area Networking.
If computer terminals are kept away from the main computer, such as in another city, then this type of networking is called Wide Area Networking. Terminals used in railways are a good example of wide area networking. Most of the companies mainframe computer is used by the buyers to keep the details of purchases, details of payments, sending bills, sending notices, paying employees, keeping tax details etc.
The speed of a mainframe computer varies according to the number of terminals and the length of the wires. Actually the terminals stand in a line to use the main frame computer, but due to being more powerful, the main frame computer handles the work of each terminal faster.
The employee working at the terminal has the impression that the computer is doing only his work. The method of completing such work is called Time Shared System. P.C. A.T./386, 486 IBM4381, ICL39 series and CDC Cyber ​​series are prime examples of Main Fame computers.
These computers act as server computers. These computers are used in large companies and government offices to keep large amounts of databases. Thousands of users can work in this computer simultaneously and the memory capacity of this computer is (24×7) days. The hardware of mainframe computer is also bigger than mini computer and in these micro computer is used as a client.
Two types of processors are used in mainframe computers, the first is Main Processor and the second is System Assistance Processor (SAP). SAP moves data from one place to another very fast. It does not process data like Main Processor.
Mainframe Computer Example of
  • IBM 4381
  • ICL 39
  • CDC Cyber
Super Computer
Super computer is the most powerful computer ever. In this, many C.P.U parallel operations are called Parallel Processing. World's first super computer I.L.L.I.A.C. Is. The mutual idea of ​​a C.P.U executing Data and Program in a stream is called 'Von Neumann Concept' but supercomputers are made according to 'Non-Von Neumann Concept' .
In Super Computer, many ALUs are a part of C.P.U which is meant for a specific task and all ALUs work parallely together. Many input and output devices can be added to the super computer.
Supercomputer is the fastest computer in today's time. Supercomputers are used to solve scientific and engineering problems that handle large databases.
More than one CPU is used in these computers, due to which its speed is very fast. It has the ability to solve even the biggest problems in a few seconds. Supercomputers are large in size and very expensive and they are very powerful.
supercomputer functions
• For space travel
• To do scientific research and discovery in big laboratories.
• To get meteorological information
• To make High Resolution Animation or Action movie
• to war
Super Computer Example of
  • PARAM 8000 (First super computer of India)
  • IBM Summit
  • Sunway TaihuLight
  • NUDT Tianhe-2
  • Cray HPE/Piz Daint
  • Cray HPE Trinity




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