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What is Digital Marketing?

As we  know that this era is Digital Marketing.. In such a situation, if you do not learn digital marketing, you may be behind others. I am saying this because we must keep pace with our changing era; otherwise, we will be left behind.

And this thing also applies to business. Gone are the days when people used to go door to door and talk about their specialties. This strategy is difficult and impossible to follow today because it is a waste of time and almost impossible to reach so many people quickly.


Digital Marketing is a perfect solution for marketing your products in such a situation. Due to this, companies can reach their targeted customers in a short time. If we talk about the last few years, we will find that the form of advertisements has changed a lot. Earlier, people used to run their advertisements in places where most people could see them, such as TV commercials, radio and all kinds of methods were implemented.


But this thing should not work now because in today's era, if you get the maximum crowd, then that place is Social Media or the Internet. In such a situation, if you want to reach your advertisement to millions of people at once, then you will have to leave the old traditional marketing funds and turn towards digital marketing.


That's why today you should be given detailed information about Digital Marketing so that you also get to know about this new concept of Digital Marketing. Then what is the delay? Let's start and learn what this digital marketing is and how it works.


What is Digital Marketing?


Digital Marketing is a combination of two words Digital and Marketing. Here Digital is related to the Internet, and Marketing is associated with advertisement. This is a way in which companies do marketing of their products through electronic media, which is quite different from the traditional way.


Here Digital Marketers have to experiment in selling a company's product by preparing different marketing campaigns. They have to analyze these marketing campaigns that what kind of things people like more and who do not.


They also have to see which type of things people see more, what attracts their attention more, and which items they buy.

They use other digital mediums like mobile messages, mobile apps, podcasts, electronic billboards and radio channels to do these digital campaigns.


So I mean to say that this Digital Marketing is like a giant umbrella within which all our online efforts are included. Google Search, Social Media, email and other websites are mainly used in this Digital Business to connect with more and more people.


It is a matter of reality that nowadays, people spend most of their time online compared to earlier times. That's why the current business model has also significantly changed, so now people are using offline marketing less, but online marketing is proving more effective.


Because now, the true meaning of marketing is connecting with the right audience in the right place and at the right time is its proper meaning. That's why you must consider where to meet these people to grow your business. And the answer is online.


Why is Digital Marketing so important?


Now it comes to why this Digital Marketing is so important. Today's digital media is so open that everyone has many information sources. They can get any information at any time and in any place.


Now those days are no more when they used to depend on text messages and could see the same things about which marketers used to inform them. This digital media is increasing daily, and more entertainment, news, shopping, and social interaction are happening.


Nowadays, Consumers are not only listening to the company's words but also identifying good and evil and collecting information from others.


Nowadays, they want to trust a brand they can trust, understand the needs of companies, and show them things according to their needs, which they can buy later. He is not interested in unnecessary show business. They need brands that they can trust and live up to their expectations.


What are the main Assets and Tactics of Digital Marketing?


Here we will learn about some such assets and tactics of Digital Marketing which you might be aware of.

Assets of Digital Marketing

Your website

your blog posts

Ebooks and whitepapers


Interactive tools

Social media channels (Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram, etc.)

Earned online coverage (PR, social media, और reviews)

Online brochures and lookbooks

Branding assets (logos, fonts, etc.)




Types of Digital Marketing


We can do digital marketing through different websites on the internet itself. We are going to tell you about some of its types –

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)


This is a process with the help of which the website is optimized so that it has a better and better rank, so that good Organic Traffic comes automatically on the website. Along with this, show it first in the Search Result as well.


Social Media Marketing


In this marketing, your brand and your content are promoted in Social Media Channels to increase brand awareness and drive traffic and leads for your own business.


Email Marketing

Companies use email marketing to interact with their audience. Email is used to promote content, discounts and events.


Video Marketing


Social media is a medium in which producers must deliver their products directly to the people. People can also express their reactions to this. This is the medium where there is a crowd of many people or say that many users/viewers live on YouTube. This is an accessible and popular medium to show your product in front of people by making videos.


Affiliate Marketing


This is performance-based advertising in which you get a commission if you promote someone else's products and services on your website.


Pay-Per-Click (PPC)


This is such a method that traffic is driven towards your website, in which you have to pay money to your publisher if your ads are clicked. Google AdWords is a very popular PPC.


Content Marketing


Creation and promotion of Content Assets so that brand awareness, traffic growth, and lead generation can be done in the right way.


Inbound Marketing

Inbound marketing means a 'full-funnel' approach in which online content is used to attract, convert, close, and delight customers.


Native Advertising

Native advertising is called those advertisements which are mainly content-led and which are featured on other platforms with some non-paid content. BuzzFeed's sponsored posts are an excellent example of this type of advertising.


Marketing Automation


Marketing automation is called that in which software or other tools are used for Marketing Promotion. Due to this, some repetitive tasks such as emails, social media, and other website actions are automated.


Online PR


Online PR is a method using which Online Coverage is secured from digital publications, blogs, and other content-based websites. These are similar to traditional PR but only in online space.


A Career in digital marketing


Digital marketing works in any business and any industry. Whatever your company is selling, with the help of digital marketing, you can understand your consumer, understand their needs and create online content according to their needs.


  1. B2B 

If your company is B2B, then the main work in your digital marketing will be about online lead generation, in which, finally, you will have to talk with a salesperson. That is why here your marketing strategy should be such that it generates maximum quality leads for your salesperson through your website and supporting digital channels.


2. B2C 


If your company is B2C, the main task in your digital marketing will be to bring more and more people to your website and make them your customers without the need for any salesperson. For this reason, you do not need to focus much on Lead generation; rather, you should focus more on the journey of any buyer so that he can easily migrate here and there on your website and finally make his purchase.


For this reason, channels such as Instagram and Pinterest are more valuable for B2C companies than business-focused platforms like LinkedIn.


Benefits of digital marketing


Marketers can see accurate results in real-time with digital marketing compared to offline marketing methods.

If you have ever advertised in any newspaper, you must know how difficult it is to say how many people have actually seen your advertisement. It is not even possible to know this.


In digital marketing, this work can be done quickly and correctly. Here I will explain to you by giving some such examples.


Website Traffic


With the help of Digital Marketing, it is straightforward to know correctly how many people have seen your given ads. In this work, we can use any digital analytics software. From this, you can also learn from which source the maximum traffic comes to your website, and you can work accordingly.


Content Performance and Lead Generation


Here you can think that if you have made a product brochure and sent it to people's letter boxes. So here you will face the same problem once more. You will not know how many people have opened your product brochure and how many have yet to.


Here if you had a Broacher on a website, you can quickly see how many people opened and read your Broacher. Here you can learn about all these things in a better way.


Attribution Modeling


This is a great and effective way in which you have to use the right tools and technology so that you can trace all the actions of your customers.


We call it to attribute modelling because it lets us know the current trend and how people are researching a product. From this, you can understand in which area you need to work harder and why. With this, your sales will also increase to a great extent.


What type of content would be right to create?


The type of content you will create depends on the needs of your audience as to what they need at different stages. You have to understand the goals and challenges of your audience and how they are related to your business.


Your goal should be that, at a basic level, your online content should help them to overcome their Challenges. Here I want to tell you about some important things so that you can know about a buyer's mentality. Here I will tell you about some stages you need to know.



Awareness Stage


  1. Blog posts

 This is very important to increase your organic traffic. If paired with Strong SEO and keyword strategy, it can prove to be very helpful to you.


  1. Infographics


 These are very shareable, which means you have more chances on social media for people to share this type of content.


·3. Short videos


 Again, these are very shareable content, which, if given a place on a platform like Youtube, it helps a lot in reaching your brand to more and more people.


Consideration Stage


  1. Ebooks

 This is an excellent way to get lead generation because it is much more comprehensive than a blog post or infographic, meaning any visitor can give you their contact information in exchange for this.


  1. Research reports

 These are very high-value content pieces which are very useful for lead generation. Research reports and new data are very important for your industry because the media and press often select them.


  1. Webinars

 These are very detailed, interactive form for any video content; webinars are very effective consideration stage content format because it is very comprehensive content as compared to any blog post or short video.


Decision Stage


  1.  Case studies


 If a detailed case study of your website is made, then it is an effective form of content for your buyer because it positively influences their decision.

  1. Testimonials

 If case studies do not fit your business correctly, then short testimonials are a better alternative for your website. With this, people will get to know about your website and its products comprehensively.


Popular Digital Marketing Courses


There are many courses in digital marketing which have different specialists. The list of such top courses is given below-





· E-mail Marketing

· Inbound Marketing

· Growth Hacking

· Web Analytical



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