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What is content marketing and why is it important?

What is Content Marketing?
 Whenever we talk about digital marketing, it cannot happen that content marketing is not mentioned. Content marketing is very important to meet your marketing objectives.

Many new digital marketers do not understand the importance of content marketing, and that is why they do not have a proper content marketing strategy. Because of which they do not get proper results.
If you want to learn about content marketing then you have come to the right blog. In today's article, we will give you information about what is content marketing, why content marketing is important, how to do content marketing and types of content marketing.
So stay tuned friends till the end of this article and understand content marketing closely.
What is Content Marketing
“Content marketing is a strategic marketing technique in which a business or individual distributes useful, relevant, and regular content through various mediums to attract visitors or retain customers.”
Content marketing is very beneficial, through this you can find new customers for your business and keep your old customers with you.
Content can be in many forms like text, audio, video, image, voice etc. Like you are reading this article it is a text content, a video you watch on YouTube is a video content, an image you see on many social media platforms is an image content and similarly if you listen to radio or podcast So that is a voice content.
Definition of Content Marketing
This is a very popular definition of content marketing.
Content marketing is a strategic marketing approach that focuses on distributing useful, relevant, and regular content to attract a targeted audience, and ultimately benefit the content provider from audience action.
Why content marketing is important?
After understanding what is content marketing, it is also necessary to understand the importance of content marketing. Content marketing is very important to grow your business. Content marketing fulfills your following objectives.
  • Increases Awareness of your brand, many people get to know about your business.
  • New customers are created for your business.
  • People buy your product by being influenced by your content.
  • Retains your old customer, and reduces your marketing cost.
  • You get more Loyal Customers.
Types of Content Marketing
Before doing content marketing, you should also know about the types of content marketing. Meaning what kind of content you can create and where you can deliver it.
1.  Blogging : Blogging is a text based content that you can deliver by creating a blog. You can create your blog on the best platform like WordPress or Blogger and publish content there in the form of text. After publishing the content in the blog, you have to deliver the content to your Targeted Audience, for which you will have to apply SEO Effort.
2.  Video: You can deliver video content through YouTube channel. Video content is very powerful in today's time because most people prefer watching videos on YouTube rather than reading blogs.
3. Podcast: Through Podcast, you deliver your content to the people in Voice Form. Podcast is very important in content marketing. In Podcast, you can reach your content to your audience through FM.
  1. Infographic:  Infographic is a type of image in which some information or data is in the form of an image. You can easily create Infographic through Canva and share it on platforms like Pinterest, Instagram, Facebook etc.
  2. Email:  Email is also a type of content, in which Valuable Content is sent in bulk to many people simultaneously by email. To send content through email, you must have an email list of your audience. There are many software available for email marketing such as MailChimp, ConvertKit, HubSpot etc.
To build an email list, you must have email marketing, for which you can read this article – What is email marketing.
        3. eBook:  Even in eBook, the content remains in text form, in which we give such content to the visitor, after reading which he buys our                    product. eBook is often used as a Lead magnet. That is, by giving eBook free, getting people's email, phone number etc. in return.
Content Marketing Strategy
After reading the article till here, you must have understood that what is Content Marketing, now come to your Main Point that how to do Content Marketing. To do content marketing, you have to make a right strategy only then you can expect good results.
Here we have told you a roadmap for doing content marketing, by reading which you can create a Content Marketing Strategy for your business.
  1.  Create Content
The first step of content marketing is Content Creation, is called creating content. You cannot do content marketing without creating content. Many people consider creating content as content marketing, but let me tell you that creating content is only a part of content marketing.
Before creating content, you should know on which topic you want to create content. The topic of the content depends on the type of business you are in, the type of Niche you work on, the type of service you provide, etc. Keeping in mind, you have to create content.
For example, if you are a digital marketer, then what type of content will benefit you the most? It is obvious from the content of digital marketing. That's why you should always create relevant content from your Niche.
You also have to plan for Content Creation, which we have explained below through bullet points.
• Think of ideas to create content.
• Determine the type of content. Means in which form you have to create content text, image, audio, video.
• Create Relevant Content from your Niche.
• Create useful content that attracts visitors.
2.  Create Useful Content
Although this is also a part of Content Creation, but it is necessary to tell it separately because many marketers do not focus on Valuable Content, they have only one objective to fulfill their objectives by delivering content as quickly as possible.
Think for yourself if you do not provide such content that will benefit the visitor, will he be influenced by your content? No no. If your competitor gives better and valuable content to the visitor than you, then he will get the full benefit.
Therefore, to make the content marketing strategy successful, it is necessary to create such a content that provides some value to the people. If your content is valuable then you will get 100% results.
3.  Define your audience
After creating the content, you have to decide your audience, that is, to what type of people you will show the content. Many people make mistakes here, they do not know who their Dream Customer is and they are not able to deliver the content to the right people, as a result of which they do not get good results.
Understand by an example, like Apple's IPhone, then for more sales of its mobile, Apple has to deliver its content to such people who earn 1 lakh or more every month. If Apple reaches its content to such people whose monthly income is 10-15 thousand rupees, then their phones will not sell at all.
That's why you should clearly know who is your audience, only then content marketing will work properly for you and you will get good results.
4.  Deliver Content Across Platforms
The goal of content marketing is not only that you create a good content, you also have to deliver the content well so that you get success in the purpose for which you created the content.
Like you create video content, YouTube is the best platform for that, similarly blog is a good platform for text content. Along with this, you should also see which the suitable platform is for the Niche on which you have created the content and the form in which you have created the content.
For example, suppose you do affiliate marketing, and you created content to promote a product. Now you are distributing the content on such a platform from where you are not getting even a single sale, then you will not get any benefit from that content.
So delivering the right content in the right way on the right platform is an important part of content marketing.
5.  Publish Content Regularly:
Continuity is very important in content marketing, if you do not provide consistent content, then you can suffer a huge loss. Let me tell you how.
Suppose you are giving video content on YouTube and in the first 5-6 months you have made your 10 thousand subscribers by giving continuous content, people also like your content.
But after having 10 thousand subscribers, they are not uploading videos regularly. There has been a decrease in your consistency. Like you are uploading a video today then another after 15 – 20 days.
Now in this case it will happen that the subscribers you had gained with hard work will slowly start unsubscribing your channel and will start going to a channel where they are getting content regularly. Here your hard work will go in vain.
That's why it is very important to have consistency in content marketing. You must decide when and at what time you have to deliver the content.
By following these steps, you can improve your content marketing strategy and get good results.
Future of Content Marketing
Content marketing is already running, and it will continue to run in the same way in the future. Because people always like to get information. Marketing is not possible without content.
Many people think that with the development in technology, content marketing will end but it will never happen because people need content to solve their problems.
Whenever people want to buy a product, before that they consume the content of that product through blogs, YouTube etc., and then go and buy the product. That's why content marketing will be as important in the future as it is today. That's why you focus your attention on creating Valuable Content.



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